このサイトは写真家/アーティスト:氷森 記心 (ひもり きしん) のオフィシャルサイトです。

This is the official website of the photography artist KISHIN HIMORI.

氷森 記心   KISHIN HIMORI   アーティスト / 写真家    Artist / Photographer

Kishin Himori is an artist who works in photography. Creates artworks on the themes of “the consciousness of existence or non-existence” and “the shape of lives”.

He uses a unique expression method utilizing photographs, and experimental techniques including digital and classical. He is striving to look beyond the surface by making visuals that may not have a visual component. 

Don't use, copy, modify or publish my work in any way without my written permission. You can ask me by using the contact form.  ( )